Our Philosophy

·         We  believe in the recognition of the uniqueness of each child and family and the need for children to develop an understanding and respect for others

·         We acknowledge that children have a sense of belonging first to their family and we respect and integrate the diverse cultures of children and families

·         We acknowledge the critical importance of the partnership between children, parents and educators in a learning community that promotes the education, development and wellbeing of all children.

·         We believe that interaction, sensitivity and attachment are fundamental elements in providing opportunities for children to realise their potential and that this potential is achieved through:

-          Imagine and create

-          Propose theories and reasons

-          Have meaningful experiences

-          Express thoughts and ideas

-          Solve problems

-          Engage in reflective thinking

-          Explore diverse ways of knowing, thinking and learning.

·         We believe that children require a strong sense of wellbeing for good physical health, feelings of happiness and a positive sense of self.

·         We believe by promoting positive mental health through physical, social, emotional and spiritual well being will make a significant difference to the lives of children

·         We view children as capable, competent co-contributors and acknowledge them as active participants in their own learning. We consult and work in collaboration with children regarding a range of aspects of the children’s program.

·         We believe that the role of the educator is to provide a stimulating and responsive environment where positive reinforcement and encouragement make learning possible.

·         We acknowledge and value our own indigenous heritage and those of the wider community – locally, nationally, internationally. We will value and connect with people to create a sustained learning community

·         We support children in the ways in which they connect to the natural environment, promoting awareness of environmental and sustainable practices.

·         We encourage families and children to contribute to the program and share the experiences they value with educators

·         We recognise and value the knowledge and commitment of the educators and support their ongoing professional learning. Educators will continue to engage in critical reflection of the philosophy, ethics and practice to enrich decision making about children’s learning.

·         We believe it is important for educators to support one another to ensure strong physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing in our centre

·         We believe that our Statement of Philosophy will change as new insights are gained and practice is evaluated


“We base our approach to early childhood learning on the VELYF and the Early Years Learning Framework’s vision to provide children with a sense of Belonging, recognise and celebrate their Being and support their Becoming”


·         We believe educators should support children through responsive interactions and the provision of engaging materials and environments which reflect the interests and needs of the children.

·         Rich learning experiences including, language/literacy, maths/science, sensory, dramatic and imaginative, visual arts, music and movement, physical, self help, environmental awareness are presented in an inclusive way.

·         We will make children’s learning visible and accessible using a variety of formats; display boards, portfolios, program plans, timetables etc

·         Our program will respectfully incorporate and reflect cultural diversity within our community and will build links with the wider world

·         Our program will provide equal opportunities for both genders and reflect an anti bias approach.


·         All of our educators have input into all elements of the program and its planning

·         Educators respect and value children, parents and other staff at the service

·         Educators will participate in ongoing early childhood professional training and learning

·         Our educators will become co-learners with the children and foster positive relationships

·         Educators will support children to become active participants in their learning

·         Educators will take an integrated, holistic approach to teaching and learning

·         Educators will respect  the natural environment and encourage children to adopt similar values

·         Educators will actively engage in critical reflection to gain deeper insights into children’s learning and development


·         Educators and parents will work in partnership to support their child’s learning and development

·         Educators and families of the centre will demonstrate respect and acceptance for the uniqueness of each family, their culture and their lifestyle

·         Educators will foster an awareness of indigenous heritage, our own cultures and wider community

·         Educators will develop and foster ongoing and meaningful relationships with local community so children and families develop a sense of belonging

·         Educators and families will foster smooth transitions between home and centre, the centre and specialist services and school

·         Families will have a range of opportunities to become involved in the program and management of the centre e.g. committees, working bees, involvement in the children’s program, in daily activities and parent/staff meetings

·         Educators will promote the value of play in children’s everyday learning to support families understanding of its importance in their lifelong journey.