Our Programs


Please have a look at our programs on display in the front foyer where you will find both the 3 and 4 year old groups.

We base our programs on the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework or VEYLDF (for short).

You can visit www.education.vic.gov.au/early learning/eyldf for further information about the framework.

The teaching teams use the information provided by families along with the observations we make of the children to design everything you see in the kindergarten environment. We aim to learn as much as we can about your child and then utilise their interests. strengths and needs to ensure we meet the objectives we identify for each child and the group as a whole.

Educators reflect daily on the program and the children’s engagement to ensure we are always improving our practice.


In our foyer you will find important information/displays reflecting what is happening at Cockatoo Kindergarten.

3 Year Old Program
Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Time: 9:00am to 2:00pm
Teacher: Laura Clarke
Co-Educators: Kerry Saunders, Justine Wardale & Indi Flint

4 year Old Program
Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Time: 9:00am to 2:00pm
Teacher: Lauren Purdie
Co-Educators: Justine Wardale, Kerry Saunders & Indi Flint

Looking for a kinder for your child?

We invite parents in the local area with children at or approaching kindergarten age to come and experience our kinder for themselves.  Pop in and visit us or contact us for more information.

P. 59 689 105

E. cockatoo.kindergarten.vic.gov.au